In parts of the world where there is the least Light, “church” rarely means a building with a steeple. Instead, “church” is gatherings of believers meeting in an apartment or a mud hut, or even under a mango tree. We are committed to planting vibrant, Word-centered churches – not Western-style transplants, but churches that will take root in native soil. Asia Partners is supporting and serving indigenous church planting movements.
Asia Partners has a growing team of dedicated church planters who regularly start new ministries in unreached regions. Asia Partners church planters were ordained pastors. Pastors have earned ministry and theology degrees from seminaries in Pakistan and come to be a part of the work God is doing through AP. Most of our church planters are committed to serve more than on congregation in their respective areas. They work throughout the week to share the Gospel and help provide for the needs of the people in the areas they serve. Hundreds of people are immersing to Christ as a result of church planter’s efforts.